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1-813-330-3199 1-813-330-3179

Interested pharmacies and laboratories must demonstrate commitment and dedication to patient and physician satisfaction and meet the following criteria and standards for participation:

  • Has been an operating business for at least 12 months and meets all local, state and federal licensing requirements
  • Have an existing web portal for enhanced customer service and expedited communication between facility, pharmacists, physicians and patients
  • Provide a dedicated employee responsible for all communication and quick turnaround of required tasks for PAS Research
  • Shall be governed by the applicable federal, state and local laws as well as that of the protocols without regard to principles of choice of law or conflicts of law and all parties agree with such compliance. The principals or agents of the principals cannot have been convicted of violating any industry regulations.
  • For labs: Must be capable of integrating with EMR systems in a timely manner.

If your pharmacy or laboratory meets all the requirements listed above, feel free to contact us for more information.

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