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PAS Research is conducting a usage survey to document qualitative and quantitative results of urine drug screens and how these results affect patients’ plan of care. We would like to invite you to participate in this survey as a clinical researcher. This is NOT a clinical trial or a double-blind study. The information gathered will be used to establish protocols for IRB approval.

  1. Enroll as a Clinical Researcher
  2. Submit Daily Fax Cover Sheet: Have your staff keep track of plan of care changes using a very simple daily fax cover sheet.
  3. Submit Monthly Survey: Each month, you will submit a short survey regarding the past month’s consultations and data collection, estimating how frequently plans of care changed based on qualitative and quantitative results.
  4. Repeat: Repeat until you receive protocols for the next phase.

Clinical researchers are compensated on an hourly basis, just like any other consulting service.

Contact us at for more details.

  • Reduce liability for your practice
  • Monitor patient compliance for prescribed medications
  • Improve patient care by confirming therapeutic levels in their system
  • Identify use of illicit substances and non-prescribed medications
  • Detect medications that may result in a drug-drug interaction
  • Discover possible medication or drug abuse, misuse or diversion

PAS Research uses two CLIA/COLA certified sites for screenings. We do not own, operate or have any financial interest in these sites. The sites chosen have met our criteria and standards for participation and have demonstrated commitment and dedication to physician satisfaction.

Interested in participating?

Give us a call at 888.483.5559 if you’re ready to participate or just looking for more information!

PAS Research Toxicology Survey
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