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PAS Research is currently conducting a national research survey on compound creams and pain patches. We would like to extend an invitation to you to participate in this survey as a clinical researcher by facilitating surveys to your existing patient base.

The goal of this survey is to document the effects, benefits, ease of use and insurance approval processes for compound creams and patches. This is NOT a clinical trial or a double-blind study. The information gathered in this survey will be used to establish protocols for IRB approval that is targeted for publication.

PAS Research is seeking physicians and physician assistants to participate in a six-month usage survey. The ground work for this survey will take place in the office of each participating physician. Each qualifying patient with medical necessity determined by the clinical researcher will be prescribed two prescriptions: one for a topical cream and one for a pain patch. If the patient does not meet all of the criteria for inclusion in the topical cream survey, they will then be submitted for enrollment into the patch survey.

How It Works

Clinical researchers will be compensated for their submission of subject data who meet our inclusion criteria during for the duration of the survey.

Contact us at for more details.

The benefits of compound creams and patches are numerous:

  • FDA-approved active ingredients
  • Quicker absorption rate and fewer side effects than oral medications
  • Applied directly to pain site
  • No first pass effect on the liver
  • Minimal systemic absorption and adverse effects
  • May lessen reliance on oral medications
  • Delivery agent DMSO
  • Decreased potential for adverse drug interaction

We work with several pharmacies for facilitating patient orders. We do not own, operate or have any financial interest in these pharmacies.

The pharmacies chosen have met our criteria and standards for participation and have demonstrated commitment and dedication to patient and physician satisfaction.

Interested in participating?

Give us a call at 888.483.5559 if you’re ready to participate or just looking for more information!

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